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Global Kingdom Harvest is forerunning a new trail

Who We Are

We aim to inspire individuals of all ages and backgrounds to bring the Lord Jesus Christ into the center of their lives.  The very center, at every moment, every twist and turn - moments of joy, moments of despair, and even those moments in between- Jesus our ONE desire. 


We are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ and his Gospel of the Kingdom and we are here to spread His message with loving-kindness, compassion, and patient endurance.


We believe we carry the Kingdom of God - the rule and reign of Jesus, everywhere we go.  And we love to go with the Gospel of the Kingdom.  We've seen the sick healed on the streets, in homes, at the church, in other countries and we rejoice that the compassion and power of Jesus are here for all.   


We love the presence of God.

We walk in the Spirit's power.

We practice his peace. 

H.O.P.E. - we are people who hope in the Lord. 

Health = Wholeness in the Whole Person

Outreach = Going beyond your borders

Presence = Abiding In Christ's Perfect Love

Equipping = Identity and Assignment 


We Value: 

A Culture of Love in the bountiful resources of Jesus. 


A Nothing is impossible life

A Word and Spirit Community

The ministry of the Fivefold - apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors.   Unity, love and service for the equipping of the Saints to works already prepared!

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