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Bali Ministry -

Prayer walking - Divine appointments x2  Dewa the sculpter opens his home to us after meeting on a prayer walk and morning prayers for meeting international business people.

Cate - at Ubud fellowship - prophetic minnistry and encouragement - divine connection to Australia and Bali - to Holy Spirit ministry in Bali. 

Little Girl healed - Ubud at family hostle.  Overnight sick with cold - fever.  Healed.  Next day running around as usual.

Saints restored to First Love in Jesus - Prayer House prophetic ministry and encouragement was clearly flowing as friends joined the fire and were re-lit on fire for Jesus and his love for them.  


04/06/2014  Tumor/Growth leaves hand in an instant!  At the Capstone Celebration last weekend a wonder occured.  Through word of knowledge healing was being sought for "pain" and "sleeplessness".  During the prayer a tumorus growth disappeared off the hand.   There was an immediate reaction of joy and tears!  Jesus your are beautiful. 

Stories.  Testmiony.  Encounters.  Jesus you are Beautiful

Jesus loves miracles that restore us to relationship with the Father.  His eyes are ever looking for the Father's work in bodies, hearts, minds and souls.  


The greatest thing, that thing that will endure forever in the heavens is LOVE.  Everything the Father's Heart calls for starts in love and ends by producing a harvest of love that will endure forever.   The Spirit is moving to build habitations of LOVE where our Husband Yahweh can dwell.   His seeks gardens full of the fruit of LOVE.  


Stories and testimonies should provoke us to love.  First LOVE.  Kingdom First.  Righteousness First.   LOVE is the key that unlocks the supernatural.  LOVE remains while all else fades.  


Miracles, signs and wonders start in the Father's Heart in love, restoring his Son's beloved Bride to her beauty, wealth and inheritance.  

Street Healing Redmond OR

Bali Mission 2015 

Pictures - Testimony - Video


A land of amazing beauty and stark spiritual contrasts.

Bali is in our hearts.  


Here are links to video, pictures and testimony from a fantastic venture into the frontiers of Christian Mission.  - scrool down the page for the bali video. 

Blog Posts -


 Uganda Mission 2015


Here is a picture testimony of the trip. 

More on Google + click below.

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