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Writer's pictureJeff Reynolds

7 Things the Enemy (Devil) Doesn't Want You to Know About Him.

Ignorance can be costly when it comes to living in the victory of Christ Jesus. 

The Devil and his cohorts love it when.....

People don't believe they exist.

People believe they are responsible for everything bad and fear them.

People think they are everywhere all the time.

People believe all that the movies portray of dark spiritual things

People play with mediums fortune tellers etc like they are not real or connected to familiar spirits. 

When people believe he is a cute and jester like person with horns and a red suit. 

It is clear we have an enemy and his full intent is to devour us.  (I Peter 5:8-9)  But before we get to excited about that scenario check out these things he would rather you did not know. 

Jesus has all power and authority in this world and the universe for that matter and everything in it was made by him and for him.  That means it naturally serves him and not the devil.  His authority is expressed in every believing member of the household of God.   

1.  Don't fear him resist him and he will run.  "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."  Jas 4:7

Great promise.  Try it.  Use it.  Live it every day.  It is powerful and effective against all kinds of spiritual attacks.  The path is simple and clear.  Surrender and stand.   The devil has such limited time and limited resources he can only work where he is welcomed or ignorantly ignored.   Grow your discernment in being a "living sacrifice" and through richly abiding in the word of Christ. (Rom 12:1-2; Col 3:16)

2. The Devil is a fallen Angel; he is a created being like us.  Though he once looked on God he is now perpetually drawn to fallen things and fallen ideas.  He is drawn to garbage and rotting things.  He cannot free himself from lies and rotting things he longs to be near.  Righteousness and walking in the Spirit are powerful weapons against his garbage life.  Let the Spirit lead you in growing righteousness in your life.   The Blood of Christ cleanses us from sin and the Holy Spirit clearly leads us to life and righteousness in Jesus. 

3. The Devil is shut out from the mind of God.  He has to guess.  You and I do not.  We have the very mind of Christ with Jesus dwelling in us. (Col 1:27)  We have the Holy Spirit leading us (John 16:12-14) and as we abide in Jesus and walk in his commands we receive the love of the Father and the revelation of Jesus. (John 14:21; Eph 3:17-19)  As we abide in Christ Jesus we carry his presence everywhere.  He never leaves us or forsakes us.  Satan does not know the mind of God for you!  He guesses.  

4. The Devil cannot create anything.  He can only seek to distort the good things God has created.   Think about it.  All the sins and failures of humanity are generated from interacting with the powerful and amazing things the Lord created for us to experience and enjoy. Example Sex.  Outside of marriage it still works.  It is powerful and wonderful and uniquely brings together two human beings.   And it brings destruction, disease, distorted relationship, enslavement in pornography, prostitution and perversion outside of its intended purposes.  Yet God created it powerful and amazing for our enjoyment and good.   Sow to the Spirit and walk in the Spirit and you will overcome the desires of the Flesh.   (Gal 5:16)

4. The Devil can only be in one place at a time.   Unlike God his creator he is not omnipresent.   So, we are not all fighting the actual devil in our struggles.  We may be fighting a lessor evil spirit.  In the same way he cannot be in all the world cities at one time.  He is going to be where the rotting things are and where he can set up strongholds and cultural enslavement. 

5. He is outnumbered. The Devil has limited resources.  Only one third of the angels fell with the devil.  That means there are 2/3rds and 2 times their number of "Fiery ministers doing the Father's bidding".  He cannot confront all believers let alone seek to address the millions of advancing Saints around the Globe at one time.   Even when he does attack it is with limited resources.   Always outnumbered.  Completely outgunned.  Stand and resist him and he will flee!

The Capture of Satan at the Final Rebellion

6. The Devil has been stripped by the Lord Jesus of his key weapons.   Col 2:15 "And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross".   Jesus defeated Sin, Death and the Devil all in one massive victory on the Cross.  One of the key weapons the devil used to enslave was death and the fear of death.  Death has been swallowed up by life in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Those who put their faith in Jesus live forever.  

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jhn 16:33

7.  He has lots of history and experience but uses the same ploys over and over.  In our lives he seeks to attack us with the same recurring temptations and typically his attacks are aimed at destroying, hindering or stopping our identity and assignment in Christ.  The more you know who you are in the Kingdom of God and what the Spirit has marked you for in authority and kingdom advance the more you can consistently overcome the repetitive attacks of the enemy.  Scripture effectively warns us of his tactics and ways and how to resist and fight him.  He continues to do the same things over and over.     

Everything the Devil touches, uses and manipulates is fading away even as he tries to make it sparkle or shine.  

"For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. 17The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever."  I John 2:16-17

How do I move forward with these things in mind?  One of the best ways to move forward and begin overcoming is to "set your hearts on things above" and "set your mind on things above".  (Col 3:1-4)  Our call is to place Jesus and his Kingdom first in our lives.  He is our occupation and focus.  Our affections need to be centered on him.  We are called to abide in Jesus and walk in the Spirit.  (John 15)  We will surely run into the enemy as we advance in the Kingdom.  As the devil's work is made known we can apply all the blessings of the Lord to vanquish him.   

1Co 15:58

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Comments?  Thoughts?  Re-share this with friends that are struggling and think the Devil has the upper hand.     

Thank you for +1's and your comments.   

We are an amazing army in Jesus that is overcoming this fading world all across the globe with the victory won in Jesus our Lord.   Stand strong and stand firm in him.   

Blessings in Jesus

Brother Jeff 

Jeff Reynolds  Sr. Leader

Capstone Christian Fellowship

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