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Writer's pictureJeff Reynolds

Old Calling New Commissioning

Updated: Jun 12, 2019

May 1, 2013

Kelley and I were at Glacier National Park celebrating our 25th anniversary this past summer.   Looking out over a breathtaking St. Mary’s lake, the Lord spoke to us.   In a mystery, over the course of a week, through a painting, Jesus revealed heaven and earth touching each other.  

It was sunny, a warm and cool wind was blowing.   A wonder filled day.   We were enjoying a short hike and came out upon this view.

Places like these tie the earth, heaven and the soul and spirit together and reverberate with the glory of God.  I was feeling my spirit strings singing as the Lord’s bow rolled over me.

Up from the bottom of the lake, magnificent peaks of granite climbed to touch the firmament.   The tops of the peaks tore holes in the bluest sky.    As I stood looking out at the peaks, Kelley climbed up the rock we were on and looked at a kiosk declaring the names of the Mountains before us.   Surrounding the Lake to the right were four Mountains.     Directly in front and center of the lake was one of the most well known peaks in Glacier.  It looks like the Matterhorn in Switzerland.   Amazing.   Kelley called out to me and said, “The center peak is called Reynolds Mountain”.   

Heaven invaded my soul and spirit and my mind trailed after in a stupor.   The wind stood still.   The sky broke open.  The rocks started singing out from their deep red and green granite power.  Time disappeared.  All I could see was my Lord Jesus, everywhere.  Rocks and water and skyscraper peaks were bowing to Him.   His voice moved like a silk scarf in and through me and out and through the rocks and up to the tops of the peaks and back down into my spirit.  In a flash, the blink of an eye,  the prophetic sound.   Heaven on earth as it is in Heaven. 

 I said, “what?  No way?”.   She answered in her special voice for me when I am “seeing the prophetic in everything”.    “Yesss”, she said.   I was curious and asked what the names of the other mountains were.    Next to it and to the right was “Running Hard”.   And then a large sweeping beautiful valley, which curved the earth and rose up to the sky in “Going to the Sun”.   Finally to the right of this mountain was “Goat Mtn”.   

As the names unfolded I got more committed to the voice of the Lord and His amazing encouragement.   This earth and heaven prophetic encouragement is part B.   This trip to Glacier was planned log before another trip we took only days earlier.  We spent 3 days at Bethel Church in Redding.    You may be saying, “nice story, but what is the big deal?”.   I would agree without part A. 

Part A.   About 5 days earlier, Kelly and I were with the Merrill’s at Bethel Church in Redding CA.   We spent 3 eventful days in the Spirit drinking in armloads of inheritance blessing and encouragement.    So many things occurred there that I would love to tell you about, but I need to finish this piece first.   

On Saturday The Merrill’s, our treasured friends of the King and amazing hosts for the weekend, took us to the encounter room and healing room at Bethel.    Upon arriving we met Sonya Day, a prophetic painter who was painting in the encounter room.   She said the Lord told her Don and Shari were coming and she started a painting with them in mind.    She also brought along her LION painting.   While we were standing there talking, Shari blurts out to me, “You are a Lion”.   I was taken back because two weeks earlier in Sisters Oregon a young man gave me a drawing of a lion as a prophetic word for me.    Sonya then says,  “The Lord told me to bring the Lion painting today.  See it is right in front up there with the worship team.”  

Heaven invaded my soul and spirit and my

mind trailed after in

a stupor.  Ha!

I didn’t really comment.  I drifted away to the front seats by the worship team and entered into an hour plus of tears, revelation, joy, laughter, and the Lord’s voice giving me direction and calling.    I meditated on the Lion painting and heard wonderful things from the Lord about our relationship and how I should walk with Him.   The worship team played sounds that the voice of the Lord floated on.   Like a river of sound His voice penetrated to the depths of my soul and spirit.    The key task the Lord imparted was that I should go back and get on the Mountains around central Oregon and call forth rivers, streams, lakes and ponds among all the rainbow colors of his church.   Breaking forth renewal and revival, the heart of the Lord had already decreed this.  I was to do it with all those who were willing to proclaim a “new day in the Lord”.   This settled in my spirit like all the recent directives for the church plant and Spirit ministry I had received.   

My time in the healing room came up…   That is a story in and of itself, but again the main point needs to get finished. 

I eventually came back into the encounter room and was making sure to write down my experience there.  Sitting with my back to the painting area, I was full of tears as intimacy and the love of the Lord overwhelmed me.   I was seeing the vast riches of HIS love and HIS Kingdom and the inheritance of the Saints.  The Lord’s dominion is full of wealth and beauty.   During my time of revelation I was calling down my inheritance in the Lord.  Calling forth the special signs of Kingdom wealth and beauty the Lord had blessed me with over the years.  One of the things He spoke to me was, “the place of rest/worship is my inheritance.  The Lion roars from a place of knowing the ONE.” 

As I sat there writing what amounted to a page in my journal, I thought I should look over my shoulder and see how Sonya’s painting turned out.   I glanced over……

Heaven invaded my soul and spirit and my mind trailed after in a stupor.   Ha Ha!

My eyes fell on a completely different painting than the one she started.   It was a painting of mountains, blue-sky, purple, white clouds, majesty.    It was my vision on canvas.    I broke down to the depths and fountains of the deep places.   A sword of His love crashed down on my collarbone and split me in two.   My mind trailed along unable to see.  My spirit was in the heavenlies seated with Christ.    Heaven on earth as it is in Heaven.

The wind stood still.   The sky broke open.  The rocks started singing out from their deep red and green granite power.  Time disappeared.  All I could see was my Lord Jesus, everywhere.  Rocks and water and skyscraper peaks were bowing to Him.   His voice moved like a silk scarf in and through me and out and through the rocks and up to the tops of the peaks and back down into my spirit.  In a flash, the blink of an eye, the prophetic sound.   Heaven on earth as it is in Heaven. 

I went and found Don Merrill and told him what had happened.  He smiled that great smile of satisfaction that flows out of love for all that Jesus does.  

I was a mess.  As we walked out of the encounter room and down the hall a little ways, Sonya came hobbling after us. (She had a brace on her leg).   She said, “Are you going to make me chase you.”   I see now that this was the literal voice of the Lord to me.   In HIS love he has chased me all my life.   Then she said, “The Lord wants me to give you that painting”.   I nearly fell over and burst into uncontrollable tears as my Father expressed love that spoke over years of knowing HIM.   Inheritance.  My Daddy.   Inheritance witness.  Soul touch.   Jesus.  Jesus.  Jesus. 

 The painting was still wet.  Sonya signed it and wrote the name on it.   "Love as the Canvas"    (The mountain painting was painted over the original started painting.  Sonya told us she felt the atmosphere change and in response she painted over what she started earlier.)  

As I understand things....

Majestic calling finds its foundation in the love of God.  It is unity of heart with the Son in His love for the world.  Over the course of a few hours the re-commissioning and revelation of HIS love, rest and calling flooded my mind, body, soul and spirit.   I stumbled out of the house of the Lord delirious with wonder. 

Who could not love you, Oh Lord among gods?

I have 3 rocks from the mountain lake, red fire granite shavings, on my desk.    I have the reality of Jesus’ love flooding my soul month in and months since.  Needless to say, my mind has been trailing after all these things in a stupor.  

HA!  Heaven laughs at the wisdom of men and rejoices in the revelation of the SON and HIS Son’s and Daughters.

 Part A and part B join together to reveal the Kingdom of God as Kel and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary.  

In all the earth, full of wonder and majestic beauty the Son of God is the diamond.  His Kingdom is spirit and truth.   With the power of His voice he formed the granite peaks and the human spirit.   His voice plays the bow that resonates the sound that sings through both heaven and earth.  This is His Kingdom.  Part A.  Part B.    Reach with the confidence of a son or daughter for the inheritance only you and he know resonates in your soul.  Let it sing out.

Thank you's to Don, Shari, Sonya, and Kelley.    What an awesome role you played in the King’s love.  See more of Sonya's work here:   Sonya is remarkable as one who expresses the Kings Glory!

 25 yrs.   August 23, 1986  Jeff and Kelley - traveling together in Jesus.  HA!

Themes for 2012 

- Wedding Feast of the Lamb - Salvation and Honoring the Son of God


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