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Writer's pictureJeff Reynolds

Divine Moments are ever present.

Updated: Aug 11, 2020

The Ekklesia of Jesus is poised to stand up into faith, hope and love and the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, Trust also in me.” Jesus - John 14:1

This is an unprecedented moment in world history. An international pandemic has swept the nations. Hearts are reeling. Minds running in the fear of both the immediate and impacting realities of this crisis and the stories our fears are weaving. Everyone is touched in some way by the wave of rapid change, the ever-increasing isolation and the uncertainty of the future.

At the same moment, as the needs of the world are erupting into a tidal wave of urgency, the Gospel of Kingdom and the Alpha and Omega Trinity God is wise in the counsel of wisdom and revelation, powerful in the Cross, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ and clear in the Father’s love for the world.

Wisdom and Revelation

The Ekklesia (church - called out ones - people of presence) of Jesus Christ is unhindered. In the same way that “nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:35, the people of God are blessed with a “always loving kindness” “never ending love” “pervasive and powerful Gospel” that responds to any and every life situation with faith, hope and love.

"We are a people of revelation and divine wisdom - inspired in the Spirit and Word and led to walking with him in the reality of our day to day lives."

Scripture says the Word of God is “living and active” Hebrews 4. Amen. It also says that the “testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” Revelation 19:10. The Ekklesia of Jesus Christ, the church, is a dynamic Word people. A NOW word people. Activating in faith, prayer and intercession along with obedient action, the powerful now reality of the Kingdom of God is brought forth for the nations of the World.

We carry this Kingdom of God. It is living and active in the power of the spirit and of wisdom and revelation. Everywhere we go, Jesus is with us. And his Kingdom is as well. All over the globe, no geographic borders, no country borders, ever present in the Saints and the work of the Father (Ephesians 2:10)

It is at hand, meaning ever present. And it is always an addition, it adds something, brings something, as clearly seen in Jesus and the apostles. The Kingdom of God is filled with compassion and victory of Jesus Christ in the Cross, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus.

Casting out fear with perfect love, driving out sickness with the healing power of Jesus, infusing hearts with HOPE, the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is ever present to touch the lives of those both far from God and those near.

These times demand a dynamic infusion of wisdom and revelation, of the fullness of the Fivefold gifts in active motion.

Drilling Down.

The activity of the Holy Spirit, wisdom and revelation, if you would, are seen in the life and ministry of Jesus.

Compassion motivated the Lord to touch the leper, heal the sick, raise the son from the coffin, love the people both far and near and give his life as a witness of the love and redemption of God.

Compassion runs in front of the Kingdom at hand. As we look upon these times with the eyes of compassion, we may see some new and wonderful things the Lord can bring to those both far and near.

Couple encouragements:

A. Pray with each other. Don’t say, “I will pray for you”. Pray for them NOW. So much of the Kingdom is imparted in the simplest acts of love. Link into the supernatural by applying prayer NOW. United Prevailing Prayer changes everything.

B. Pray for healing. Jesus healed every disease and sickness in the story of the New Testament. Matthew 4:23. “Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people”. If you encounter sickness. Humbly minister healing prayer for that person. Lost, found, it doesn’t matter. The compassion and power of Jesus Christ changes sick people by healing them. Be part of this amazing reality and pray for the sick. ——— yes, even those with covid19.

C. Do what compassion demands of you. Compassion works its own way and creative opportunities for God to touch people with the deepest love every known, Jesus Christ’s salvation victory. You will be moving in the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Play your part. Step up into the ministry of Jesus.

Simple Action. Simple obedience. Simple love. Profound eternal change for those who believe.

Often, we get burdened with the idea that we must “produce” the opportunity for the Kingdom of God. I’ve found just the opposite to be true. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s poem, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”.

I’ve found myself in the “going” to see miracles, amazing happenstance, to divinely connect with people and have a word of the Lord for them. On and on the beauty of what God has already planned mixes with compassion, victory, and faith for the person in front of us.

Walking in the Spirit is the most freeing and simple action plan we can take up. To simply move with God in his compassion and love with all the available victory and reality of what Jesus won for us.

The action required now is much different than even a couple weeks ago.

It can be very challenging to catch up with the rapid developments of this virus. But the Kingdom of God is already adequately supplied in every way in the fullness and riches of Jesus Christ. The abundance, victory and boundless plans of God along with the NOW reality of wisdom and revelation in the Holy Spirit is ALWAYS what we need for the NOW.

Simple acts of love and kindness speak loudly in an atmosphere of fear, hopelessness and rage.

"Commit your way to simple action. As the effects of the bomb blasts subside, press into the freedom of this “isolation” to break it up and apply the compassion of God to the hearts, minds, soul and strength of all in your life".

The Ekklesia of Jesus (church) is a prophetic "Now" voice of God's people. Revelation 19:10

In essence, nothing is different. The foundation of a believer’s life, built on the Cornerstone of Christ Jesus, remains founded in faith, hope and love. And yet, everything seems different. True. So much is changing. I hear the spirit of wisdom and revelation asking, “What is it I see now?”. What and how will I move forward today in the midst of these life altering changes?

More than ever the ministry of the prophetic can be a powerful voice of rhema. A now word. A wisdom and revelation word for this time and moment in our lives adds great quickening and authority to intercession, prayers for breakthrough and divine appointments. You see, this is the normal way of walking in the Spirit.

Nothing is different even though everything is different.

Here are some ideas to help cut through the bomb blast.

Set some daily patterns for your life — get back into the word in a powerful and regular way. Restore your devotions and prayer life. Ephesians 6:10-19

Connect with the beloved. Reach out and find out how your Kingdom family is doing. Check in. Make some phone calls. Be deliberate about ministering and praying for everyone. I John 3:16 Sow Hope.

Sow peace. Reap a harvest of righteousness. James 3:14-18 Stay in fellowship as it is offered by your Ekklesia family.

Moving in the Spirit of wisdom and revelation is to walk in the Spirit in the times and seasons of our lives.

Our reality in the Kingdom of God is overcoming victory through faith in Jesus Christ. I John 5:1-5.

Connect with Jeff.

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Connect on one of our Facebook live prayer and ministry times.

With much love in the Lord Jesus,

Your brother Jeff,

Laying apostolic prophetic foundations in the fullness of Jesus Christ.

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