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Writer's pictureJeff Reynolds

The Visitation is Here. What Comes after Repentance?

I have never been to a prayer meeting like it. I’ve heard of them. Hoped for people to be moved, to pray, to repent, to peel back all the layers, but I have never seen it.

Some may ridicule, seeing it differently. But I am so deeply set a flame since the day. My burning hope to walk with the Spirit and walk into droves of divine dreams, prophetic words, heart desires and powerful awakening, erupted before the eyes of my heart.

Hope activated is a powerful thing. Spiritual power coming to life in day to day motions of simple prayer is deeply affecting. A new Day in the Spirit is being ushered in. Spiritual power manifesting the Kingdom of God and the victory of Jesus Christ with repentance and consecration is now before our eyes.

Boiling over. Literally boiling inside. Like my insides are constantly in motion with the Spirit; moving waters, liquid fire, churning in me each day in the hope the vision will manifest in my body and life.

Saturday pulled it up out of me in tears, inner conviction, and intercession with repentance. The kiros moment painted the kiros time all over the room I was in. That is how I "see it". The people, the ekklesia of Jesus, laid bare and repentant welcomed the Spirit in greater measure and hope than I've ever seen in a prayer meeting.

I've deeply desired to see something like this in prayer gatherings, I have not. So often prayer is more like work and organization than a move of the Spirit. Excellent work and in the order of the kingdom, first above all things (2 Timothy), prayer is the central discipline of practicing the presence of God.

Yet, in my experience, I've not been ushered into an environment where conviction, the Word of Scripture, the presence of God and the hope of the Gospel revealed where we stand. Flush with awareness and conviction, I have never been part of prayer calling out deep cries of sorrow.

I consider this Saturday September 26th, 2020 to be deeply significant. Some do not. Others may have a myriad of reasons to brush off what was taking place, to compare it with another time, but I do not wish to do such a thing.

I want to run with it. Embrace the repentance. Let the Spirit search me. Hear what he says and turn away from that which he finds worthless chaff, empty ways.

I long to see this Spirit of God roar forth like a tidal wave across the United States.

I want to see Him churn the waters of Oregon and dismantle the apathy. See the glory of God, boiling in me, draw out the magnificent change. Joy, freedom, power through Jesus Christ.

"Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me." Psalm 42:7

For years I have been pursuing AWAKENING. Waiting on the Lord, walking in the Spirit, acting on such a simple and base level of obedience. Embarrassed, I have pressed on into the voice of the Spirit searching out the ways of God. I've seen the remarkable work of the Holy Spirit. Mind altering Spiritual power breaking into the natural world in a multitude of ways.

This past Saturday, years of prophetic grace and hope, discerned understanding and listening, appeared to have jumped up into a move of the Holy Spirit in the United States.

Since Saturday, I have been seeking the Spirit of the Lord for what is next. "A next" is imminently rising on the wings of Eagles. Repentance is not an emotional experience, an encounter, or an end. Repentance leads to action. I think we have lost this rooted truth. Repentance sets us free from sin through faith in Jesus Christ. His blood is real cleansing. Eternal life, the gateway through the cleansing blood of Jesus, so completely washes us and sets us free the Father no longer remembers.

Psalm 103:12

“As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”

True repentance is an actual change in our direction, our very souls. As the healing of repentance usher's life into our bodies, mind, soul, heart is altered in the Holy Spirit.

Gnostic spirituality, a simple deception that wreaked havoc on the early church, is void of repentance and transforming grace. Wild with revelation and devoid of any holiness, translation of the blood of Christ to our living and way of life is absent.

This is a time to remember repentance proves itself in a new way of living.

What did I see that brought me into such joy?

  • The confusion of the times overwhelmed with simple clarity through the Holy Spirit and his work of conviction.

  • The spontaneous pouring forth of sorrow, love, identification with the Body of Christ, the woes of the Nation, the brokenness in us and around us.

  • The Word of God, the Scripture, articulated and proclaimed with precision in the Holy Spirit, deepening and widening, calling forth the work of the Holy Spirit in greater and greater measure.

  • The tears, weeping and degradation. The jars of clay calling out for God's help in an overwhelming time of need.

  • The presence of "fire" - purifying understanding, conviction, not generated by the sincere hopes of people but by the stripping of hypocrisy, the unveiling of our weakness, the distortions of our honor of the NAME of Jesus.

  • The diversity of traditions and churches represented with a complete and simple unity in the Spirit proving the glory of Jesus Christ.

  • The reverence and awe of the NAME of Jesus and the simple obedient devotion to agreeing with the Spirit's lead.

  • A worship ministry that enhanced, called us up higher, called us deeper, and were themselves caught up in the move of the Spirit. Responding with simple obedience to the leading of the Spirit.

  • Atmosphere completely focused on Jesus, his abundant forgiveness, the hope held out in the Gospel and the assurance of his response and presence.

Some may mock. I do not. Prayers, prayer gatherings, longings, steps of obedience and deep encounters with Jesus, set my heart like flint and my mind resolute.

Some may say, "I've seen more powerful or remember more abundance of Spiritual presence." I do not.

I've waited patiently for any fire to appear. Striking the flint in persistent prayer, believing God in the face of so many "no's" and little to no signs of fire. I have decided to stand and believe God and to continue to press in with as much fervor as I can bring, believing the USA will be enveloped in AWAKENING.

I've fallen. I have lacked the mixture of faith with action. I've heard and not acted. I have sought the praise and encouragement of people over that of Jesus himself. I have fallen short of the Glory of God.

Praise be to the God and Father. Who sent his Son to free us from ourselves and the bondage of sin and shame?

Repentance leads to ACTION

The day to day confusion, noise, disruption, malice, slander, hatred filling the country is a blinder. Blinding the minds of unbelievers and confusing the mind of believers. Moves of the Holy Spirit are not forceful. Like him, they are invitations to the will and way of Jesus Christ. They well up. They advance in simple love and obedience. They sustain in devotion to prayer and presence. They need action. Requiring a way for advance. Calling forth tender hearts of first love. Into the world comes the invitation to the living word, we carry the revelation of Jesus Christ in the way we live in the world. (John 14:22-24)

Every move of the Spirit I have been around, part of, involved in -----required change, action, refocus, response, step for step obedience, wrestling the next step in prayer, and welcoming of the grace of prophetic input and God's voice.

Suddenly, HE is UPON US.

Suddenly, the fragility running though my heart, mind, soul appears in the light. There is one simple response.

COME HOLY SPIRIT. FILL ME AFRESH. EMPOWER me in your whole heart before the Father. Move in me and move me to obey you in fullness of faith, hope and love.

Moves of God require emptying ourselves. Requiring and infilling to overflowing, Spirit of the living God overwhelming and churning through the caverns of our soul. Tender in power and immense and exhaustive in cleansing, the Spirit of God moves through us.

In whatever way you perceived Saturday 26th of September 2020, the real question is what is next?

How do we honor the Name and revelation of the Lord Jesus and walk with a singular focus with the Holy Spirit in the tomorrow that lies ahead?

There must be an alteration. A changing of our direction, our actions. What we sow day to day, different, infused with grace through faith. Not an attitude change or a change of feeling. Repentance is a complete turning around. A complete altering of the course we were on, the new way ahead rooted and proved in following the Master Jesus Christ. For this we need the voice of the Spirit. The immediate infusion of divine direction and the enveloping presence of the Father.

In so many ways, we have not perceived the depths of God's refinement. Giving ourselves to a time of consecration and holy devotion, being searched and known... this is the direction of the day.

Prayer meetings should show the change. Surrender to the Spirit. Wait for the Lord.

Worship and church gatherings need the conviction of joy and freedom after the cleaning and surrender.

We should be quiet. Wait for the Lord. Hear his voice. Move with him. Breathe the air of surrendered worship. Soak in the revelation and listen and hear. Go where he is going.

Leaders of the church, of ministries, of house churches of missions, of any and every venture that looks to glorify Jesus Christ and walk in his empowering grace and assignment, must stop, listen, hear the Voice of God, and place the action of repentance at the forefront of their cause.

This moment may usher in the greatest move of the Holy Spirit around the globe ever known to humanity. A worldwide awakening.

Repentance leads to First Love, Simple devotion, faithfulness, obedient day to day walking with Jesus Christ and an undaunted devotion to going with the Gospel of the Kingdom into every highway and road to the heart.

John 12:24-26.

Truly I tell you, unless a seed of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains a single seed. But if it dies, it produces abundant seeds. 25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

Thank you for reading. Please send your comments and ideas. Your experience on Saturday September 26, 2020.

What is in your heart today about what you will be doing today and tomorrow?


Brother Jeff

GKH Ministries -

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Grant Watts
Grant Watts
31 ago 2021

Appreciate your blog post

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