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Writer's pictureJeff Reynolds

The Unhindered Heart - Sharpening the Arrow Point of Grace to Glory.

Before we knew HIM, Jesus, We were falling..... Constantly falling short..... Short of the glory of God.

Now we move from glory to glory in Him. The HEART undivided, undaunted, and unhindered can enter, walk and abide in the fullness of Jesus. First we lay the foundation of an Undivided Heart. Founded in first love and the first things of the Kingdom. Second we lay down the living stone of an Undaunted Heart. Resolute in patient endurance and abiding in HOPE. Third we lay down the unhindered heart, the continuous, prayer filled, worship focused grace that propels us from glory to glory through faith to faith action in love. There is a pathway to the Unhindered Heart. The unhindered heart is the heart after Glory.

  • It's the heart that constrains the Lord - the "don't leave me Jesus" heart.

  • It's the heart of desire that can only be satisfied in Jesus and his presence.

  • It is persistently contending for the glory of God.

  • For the fulfillment of the fullness of Jesus in all things.

  • It is fueled by HOPE.

  • It is steadfast in the steadfast love of the Father.

  • It is resolute in the patient endurance and strength of the power of God.

  • It is a love that overwhelms, reaches higher and higher in praise and glory.

  • It finds the open spaces of beauty and power in the Savior.

The unhindered heart is not turned back by the sufferings of the way of the KING. It tastes and continues in the steadfast LOVE that will fill up the heavens in waves and waves for all eternity. Undivided HOPE – Undaunted Perseverance – Unhindered Heart "our hearts burned within us"the Emmaus road encounter response. Being with Jesus pours inspiration and revelation on the unhindered heart.

The unhindered heart is a heart that BATTLES in the fortress of steadfast love - Psalms 144. It moves freely in the perfect love of our Fortress King. In his Lion Hearted devotion to the will of the Father, we are swept up. Warring in grace with fierce faith and perseverance, this unhindered heart is not set back by...

Weakness - 2 Corinthians 12:9 Suffering - II Tim 2:3 Patient endurance - Revelation 1:9

HOPEing in the deep HOPE of victory in Jesus, this unhindered heart knows....

We will have trouble - John 14 but we overcome the world by faith in Jesus.

I John 5:1-5

We will face hindrances, opposition, sufferings.... We will overcome all of them and in the find the glory this Gospel of freedom grows in us each day- Romans 8:28-29 The unhindered heart gets vision from victory, the perfect work of Jesus. The cross of Christ - that's what we preach to a world lost and condemned. I Corinthians 2:1-5

Yes. It is a conflict with sin, broken insides, captivity and enslavement. The powerful blood of Jesus is efficacious and powerful to deliver every one and all from the darkest depths of hell.

Oh, LORD. Empower me in the presence, power and peace of the Cross, Resurrection, and Ascension of the Forerunner Jesus. Come Holy Spirit fill me afresh.

Hang in there. When trouble lands, we start making predictions. Based on past failures, we look out into the future lands of grace and glory and find in ourselves nothing to match the way ahead. We start predicting a negative future. Out of some of our bad memories, we see ahead.

The awesome thing is God is not tied up by our predictions. And any prediction made outside of his steadfast love and the boundless victory in Jesus Christ is not "truth". He is creative. In love with us. And he is good all along the way. Everything in his unhindered heart is for us; to see us with Him forever. The Father provides everything needed in the Lord Jesus and his perfect work. I'm always been a bad predictor of the future....and much less so when I predict it from my weakness.

The great vulnerability of faith in the face of the fallen world and our own weakness is amazingly powerful when it is faith in Jesus Christ himself.

God always sweeps in with something unseen, unpredicted and re-writes the story.

That is the unhindered heart of God. He re-writes it so we see him, grow deeper in love and learn to walk with him. In turn he changes us inside forever!

It's all worth it. In the day, when you are hanging on by the tips of your fingers and you see a 1000 feet of air beneath you. Know this. He will catch you. (Psalm 91) Or He will sweep in and bring something unexpected. Nothing is impossible with God. Or you will travel the road of discipline and holy transformation. Hebrews 12

Or you will find the hot refining fires licking at every weakness born by sin and lineage with eternal transformation by and through the Holy Spirit.

In it all, Jesus will be working for glory to glory transformation in you. He will do this work. The easy yoke is to follow him. Allow him to disciple you and heal you and make you more and more holy.

Transformation through the Holy Spirit is an inside eternal work. We are becoming what we will be when we enter eternal dwellings and see him face to face. We will be like him.

Believe. Believe. Believer. Trust in the NAME of Jesus.

Comments? Ideas? Testimonies? Send those to me. Thanks for +1's and re-shares. More Posts on Confidence and Zeal... Thanks for reading. The dialogue is awesome. Thank you. Testimonies? Share em with me. With much love in Jesus You can do this thing! He's got you. Jeff Reynolds --- Brother Jeff

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