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Writer's pictureJeff Reynolds

Evangelists Online NOW Please!

Updated: Jul 16, 2020

What the Devil plans for destruction God turns around for manifold blessing.

We may have heard a statement like this or thought it out loud as we faced tremendous difficulty, or simply wished it were true for the sake of deliverance and blessing, but I believe it is dynamically and prophetically true for the Saints.

Romans 8:28 "And we know... That in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be firstborn among many brothers and sisters".

Over the past 15 months, I've been in some parts of the world where phenomenal moves of the Spirit are occurring. With the onset of the coronavirus, it appears 2020 international travel will be curtailed significantly. Interesting.

In America, the Spirit has positioned so many new ways of walking in the Spirit and going with the Gospel. Exciting ways in which the "book of Acts" signs and wonders are occurring. As so many believers have pointed the arrow toward massive awakening, and it is currently breaking out in increasing measure around the world, the Coronavirus slams down. Interesting.

In some portions of the world the harvest is overwhelming and the ministry of the Holy Spirit truly remarkable (10/40 window).

So, first. Is this statement true? The one about the Devil.

Let's have a look at the Cross. The enemy participated fully in the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ, thinking he understood the mind of the Father and the plan being orchestrated. In the obedience of Jesus, something wholly other took place. A dead man rose up from the grave and is now alive.

Everything about the world "as we know it"changed. What the enemy perceived as destruction actually became our salvation. The Cross.

The Enemy believed he would triumph in crucifying Jesus. When in fact God saved the world, cleansing it from past, present, and future sins and bringing to life a "new creation" in his dominion. The Kingdom of God erupted into the world scene, With it millions of people began walking in the Spirit and moving in the powerful work Jesus secured through the Cross, his Resurrection, and His Ascension. From the earth into heaven to sit at the Father's right hand, Jesus ascended and sat down. It is finish.

Today, the Ekklesia of Jesus Christ appears to be severely limited. Isolating directives are pouring over the Body of Christ in response to the coronavirus. The go factor of the Gospel, literally people moving around the world with the Gospel of the Kingdom, has slowed to a major halt. Interesting.

Time to shift, pivot, make the rapid change and move into all the open doors.

A few nights ago, I was up, unable to sleep. Frustrated, I went into another room. After a bit, I decided to try and go to sleep again. As I lay down, the Lord began pouring out ideas, insights, perspective. I got back up and started writing and typing. 2.5 hrs later I knew the Word of the Lord for me in this crisis, and I knew I had a word from the Lord for my network and beyond as the Lord leads.

Isaiah 43:3 says, "When you are in over your head, I'll be there with you. When you're in rough waters you will not go down. When you're between a rock and hard place, it won't be a dead-end ----". Message Bible

We are part of a Kingdom with NO DEAD ENDS.

Our God always has a way where there appears to be no way. Though a 1000 gates looked closed, I've learned the Holy Spirit always has a door open to move forward with the Gospel.

One aspect of this word currently from the Lord is the sheer inertia and faith to focus on the awakening in spite of the current coronavirus moment. It is essential that we STAND and continue moving forward in new and different ways, informed by the circumstance and empowered by the Spirit. He is the creative Spirit who formed the world. He has revelation ready to impart if we would press in and seek him.

Evangelists are needed online NOW.

The Fivefold graces, though barely understood by the church today, carry significant impact in these times and seasons. Evangelists are needed online now in overwhelming numbers.

The opportunity is immense. To encourage and aid in the efforts of helping people find Jesus Christ in this pandemic, incredible doors stand wide open. As things appear to be getting smaller and smaller, the grace of God gets bigger and bigger. When grace gifts like the Evangelist spring into full-blown Gospel mission in the Online arena a whole new breakthrough can occur in the Awakening.

A wonderful friend from the past showed me this gift in motion. He used to say to people, "This is your time. You are ready to give your life to Jesus." and he was right. People responded and came into the salvation of Jesus right then. Amazing. Seeing such a gift of grace in motion was beautiful. Now is the time to activate that gift and the grace it carries so powerfully in faith and insight.

I have also lead people to Christ online, ministered in the Spirit and seen deliverance online.

What I am seeing...

1. Online - Two-way communications - Ministry in real-time online. Not a talking head. But a talking heart empowered in the Word of the Lord and Holy Spirit ministry.

2. Salvations and linkages to House to House gatherings - places for the new believers to link up to the Family of God and learn about following Jesus, walking in the Spirit, going with the Gospel, and discipling others - NOW.

3. The strength of something we've considered so weak - House to House Ekklesia - will take leaps and bounds as a direct response to the current situation, and as a rapid response to the overwhelming salvations.

Evangelists - Fivefold graced Kingdom leaders - need to fill the gap and come into ministries online NOW.

Even as I write this, I know many have already had promptings, dreams, and stirring in their hearts to be part of the Awakening that is boiling from the ground up now. We need to link to one another and to empowering relationships with Evangelists who can equip the Saints with grassroots vision and Holy Spirit ministry.

If this is you?????

Contact me. I will pray and seek the Lord with you for how to go about this "great connection" and help activate the stirring.

Please. If you have such a stirring. Act on it now. Millions of people are waiting in the wings to hear the Gospel of the Kingdom.

How can they hear if no one is sent? Romans 10

10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 11 As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” 12 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him,

13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

Now is the time for Evangelists to take a new step into the Online environment and open up the dialogue and message.

Please, do you have a response to this message? Comment? Ideas. Testimony.

We want to hear it at GKH Ministries.

Now more than ever your voice is critical in the discovery of the breakthrough we all need.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope this was encouraging.

Your Brother in Jesus,

Jeff Reynolds - GKH Ministries

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