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Writer's pictureJeff Reynolds

The Stimulus, Generosity and Obedience. Positioning the Ekklesia.

Updated: Apr 15, 2020

In response to the Corona-virus, the U.S. government passed a massive stimulus package. The hope is it will keep the economy in motion during this severe shutdown.

Believers all over the country will be receiving funds.

A massive opportunity to empower the church with simple obedience is before us.

Give and it shall be given to you. As the government sends out relief funds for the country, the average believer is faced with a decision. To give a tithe on such funds or not. With simple obedience, giving on what we receive, the church can be empowered to help the massive struggles of the everyday person in America with a keen focus on the poor.

The numbers are staggering. If each person tithes on the funds they receive from the government, massive financial empowerment will be deposited into the church.

It all comes down to you! A God-inspired crowdfund is being poured out on the nation. Break the "fear" fill the void with trust and faith and GIVE. Empower the foot soldiers of the Kingdom with an infusion of funds to touch the most "unseen".

The estimated stimulus for families is $3000.00 or so (example for running some numbers). Let's run with these numbers and do some math. That would be $300.00 per household. Multiply that by the typical church of 30 families. 30x300=$9000.00. Or a larger fellowship of 70 families 70x300=$21,000.00. Our community has 35 churches. Now multiply $21,000 x 35. $735,000.00. In our small community of 30,000, the church will be able to respond to the current crisis with an infusion of funds.

The ways of the LORD are always simple and easy yokes. Simple obedience in this time and season can bring the church into a powerful means of touching the lives of the poorest and needy. This is the heart of the Father and the true expression of apostolic Ekklesia. Remember the poor.

Should you give it? Now nearly everyone is faced with the decision of whom to trust most. The massive impact of job loss, income loss, business failure, is hard upon us. This stimulus will offer the necessary relief for the moment. But will it reach everyone who needs it? God's Kingdom is vibrant, powerful, responsive, filled with faith, hope and love.

An immense opportunity for outpouring will be upon us soon. To reach deeply and wide with the Gospel of the Kingdom and the overwhelming hope in Jesus Christ.

In this time of incredible challenge, some people do not need these funds at all. A powerful opportunity to give is in our hands. Consider giving the whole thing to the church for the same purposes. Right now a simple tithe (on funds we did not expect but are blessed with for healing the needs and upholding the fabric of the people in deep need.)

The deeply poor don't have a mailbox or file taxes. They are off the radar. But not out of sight of the church.

Who will we entrust ourselves to in this crisis? The Father, who promises to care for us? Or the natural and survival-focused ways of self-preservation. We cannot serve both God and money. The church can make a powerful statement of faith, hope, and love by giving a simple tithe from funds they did not expect to receive. This is actually the easiest giving or tithing we can do. Unexpected generosity coming our way.

This is not a time for pet projects or funneling funds to church projects. Rather, to focus back the economic grace of the church to those who need it the most, people, neighbors, kingdom family. Single moms. The poor. The unemployed. Local businesses that put our community to work.

The economics of the Kingdom. I work with young leaders in different parts of the world who are working exceptionally hard to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom to their nations. They consistently face challenges and struggles and still press on. $200-300.00 is their typical income. They will face multiple hardships with this crisis. Your $300.00 gift will empower them for a month or more. These times deserve our generosity and faith. In turn, the family of God will stand strong in this immense crisis.

It all comes down to you and me. Will we act in obedience and generosity with something we did not expect? Let's be part of turning the tide. Let's offer the same to others as we freely receive, remembering those in great need. You can make a difference right at home and around the world for the Gospel of the Kingdom. Sending it forth and for those working in it to be sustained in the crisis.

As always, such simple obedience opens the doors of promise and throws us on the provisions of God. This is a remarkable place to be in such times.

Give and it will be given. Ask the Spirit the part you are to play. Gear up, stand up and abide in the Lord's presence and make your heart ready to give as you have been freely given. Give to your church family, a local ministry, overseas mission agency. GIVE! Be part of the solution for the communities in which we live.

Global Kingdom Harvest Ministries can receive tithes and offerings, and so can your fellowship or church or ministry. GKH promises to engage such funds in the direct support and aid of local people and Kingdom family in the nations. If you consider giving in these times, please consider us. We would be honored to carry forth such offerings in the mission of Jesus.

I hope I've convinced you to give? These are unprecedented times. But our response requires simple obedience. Giving something we did not expect.

Ways to give to GKH Ministries - donate online.

Give from your phone - text 971-340-4247 with the word "give". You will be prompted for the next steps.

The simple acts of obedience of each Saint can shift the tide and change the direction for thousands of people who live right next door and far off.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, and make His face shine upon you.

In the Lord,

Jeff Reynolds - Apostolic leader - GKH Ministries

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