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Who Overcomes? The One Who Believes Jesus is the Christ.

Updated: Jun 3, 2019

December 9, 2016

"Everyone born of God overcomes the world."  I John 5:4

What an amazing promise.  A statement of the reality of the work of Christ in us.

We will overcome.  

Some moments, days, weeks, months, years feel like we will not overcome. 

Some also look like we will not overcome.  

Grace overcomes every brokenness of the world, the heart, the mind, the strength, the soul.

We face setbacks, difficulties, failures, shortcomings, and all kinds of relational ups and downs.  

Promise stands at the door of opportunity. New life invites us by faith to believe God, to trust in the Lord Jesus and to continue walking as overcomers.  

The promise rests in Jesus who has conquered death, defeated sin and destroyed the works of the Devil.  

Jesus defeated sin on the cross. The law was nailed to the cross and the blood of Jesus stands as perfect sacrifice for our sins and the sins of the whole world.  

"who gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forevermore. Amen."  Galatians 1:4

We are no longer defined by our sins.  They can be forgiven and forgotten. (Ps 103;  I John 2:1)   We no longer relate to God through our sins.  We are sons and daughters in the Lord Jesus.  By his blood we are righteous.  Jesus our High Priest in the heavenly tabernacle is interceding for us and advocating to the Father in his perfect worship and love.  He is able to keep us for the day.  He will not fail in his mission of salvation. Jesus relates to us as sons and daughters.  As those who rule and reign and co-labor with him in the Father's work.  


Death is defeated in Christ through the Cross and in the Resurrection.  A firstborn son was raised from the dead and stands as a witness to our future and the power of our present.  

Overcoming grace and power flow in resurrection life through Jesus.  

We are new creations.  Dying in the waters of baptism and rising with him to new life.  2 Corinthians 5:17

Jesus is the Door to Eternal Life - live it now!

 This is real stuff.  This is the truth.  This is the reality of the Kingdom of God.  It is filled with citizens of the Kingdom who walk in resurrected life through Christ in them, "the hope of glory."  Col 1:27   

 Today, death wanted to have lunch with me.  Wanted to talk to me all day long.  Wanted to have my ear and then my heart.  It was a battle to resist, discern and realize I was in a Kingdom battle. 

Jesus defeated death in every form.  From the smallest idea that seeks to kill your divine assignment to the final moment we spend on the plant ---- the moment we are translated into eternal dwellings with Jesus.  

The Spirit is good about helping us discern the death we have come to agree with about....



Our Families.

Our relationships.




Ask the Spirit for the mind of Christ in these areas and start agreeing with Jesus and his overcoming power to transform each of these areas of life.  

The Spirit is so faithful to lead us and protect us, to guide us along the way of following Jesus.  He will reveal the dead things we cling to in good time.  And then by his power, love, grace and encouragement we overcome them.  

The Devil.

I've used this before but love the image.

One Angel. A chief angel but fallen. Stripped of his best weapon, the fear of death. The Enemy of the Saints is a prowling lion.  

Yet our Lord Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.  

The war we are waging against the powers and principalities is worth it. 

The salvation that is in Christ through the Gospel changes everything in time.  

We overcome the Devil simply by resisting him.  

 James 4:7 

Jesus was confronted at a high point in the Spirit and a low point in the flesh.  Devil's opportunity!

The wilderness fast for forty days. 

Led by the Spirit into the Wilderness, 

the Lord focused on each temptation by returning to the Scripture, the love and service of God and worship.  

 "Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8Draw near to God and He will draw near to you"  James 4:7

 The first part is important.  Submit to God.  This comes first.  Then the enemy has no place and all his deceptive attempts fall short in the wisdom of the Father.  

Fan the Flame and get some smoke on the fires of first love.  

Romans 12:1-2  We are a living sacrifice.  Holy and Pleasing to God.  

When.....we offer our bodies to the Spirit.  

Remember.  Give yourself testimony of the things God has done. 

Remember what he has done for you and others.  Say it out loud.  Rehearse the good things God has done.

He is alive and working today.   

We will see a different day than the one we are facing.  

 Breakthrough will occur because his Kingdom is advancing every day.   

"Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end."  Isaiah 9:7

We overcome the world because of who is in us (Col 1:27) and who we believe (I John 5:5).   He is greater than the world.  In fact Jesus has dominion over all powers and authorities.  

HE said, "all authority has been given to me."  Matthew 18:18

We can live a new life in the face of every brokenness.  

 You can overcome the world. 

Because Jesus did.  

Who is it that overcomes the world?  Even the one believing that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

Sow into abiding in Jesus. Learn the presence. Learn to practice the presence.

The walk of faith in the Spirit overcomes the world! 

Get the first's going in your life everyday.....

First Love - Revelation 2

Kingdom and Righteousness First - Matthew 6:33

Prayer first - I Tim 2:1-7

Recommended Books:  1. The Practice of the Presence - Brother Lawrence - free downloads.  Google search. 2. The Cost of Discipleship - Bonhoeffer 3. Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God - F. Frangipane

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Thanks for reading. 

The dialogue is awesome.  Thank you. Testimonies?  Share em with me.   Re-Shares lov em.  Thank you! With much love in Jesus

You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   ---

Brother Jeff 

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